Astarotte’s Toy Episode 1 Recap And Review


Astarotte’s Toy Episode 1 Review & Discussion

I’m so proud to say that this is my first of many future anime reviews. Why did I choose the Astarotte’s Toy anime? No particular reason. I’ve watched so many anime series over the years that I want to watch everything. I enjoy enjoy watching the less popular and unknown anime series. I started with this one at random, and I hope you enjoy it!

Please share with me your thought and feelings as you watch the series Astarotte’s Toy. I’m always happy to hear other people’s opinions or perceptions of what they watch. As an American, my culture is very different from that of Japanese, but that’s all part of the fun. You may love something I hate, or hate something I love. Let everyone know because either way it’s going to be fun.

astarottes toy anime episode 1 recap anime blog the life kawaii explained

Astarottes Toy Episode 1 Video Transcript

Hi guys, thanks for tuning into the Life kawaii. Today I’m really excited to report that I will be doing my first video on an anime series. Particularly the first episode of Astarotte’s Toy is what I’m going to be talking about. Yeah this is my first anime review. So I’ve only watched the first episode and the way that I’m going to do this for my blog is, I will watch an episode and then do a video about what I think about the episode. What happened, and how I perceive it, and then share it with you guys. Then I’ll also do a recap at the end of watching the entire series on my general thoughts about it and whether or not I liked it.

So for the first one Astarotte’s Toy is about a young girl who is a princess, and she is part of a succubi family so to speak. Not everybody who’s born into the family is automatically a succubi, but they do cover in the first episode that as long as you have that genetic trait, no matter what species you breed with, you can still produce a succubi. So princess Lotte is a succubus, and she apparently hates men, they spend about the first 10 or 15 seconds of the first episode letting you know really clearly that she is just not gung ho about men, and doesn’t seem to like them in general. She kind of views them as a separate species in and of themselves.

Another young female character named Judit who seems to be her teacher, she doesn’t refer to her as senpai but it, it does have that feel that she’s kind of hurt her life teacher. So Judit is trying to explain to her that though she’s 10, and she hasn’t grown quite into her womanhood yet, she is going to have to deal with men as a succubus just so that she can survive. She has to suck out their ‘life force”. Crunchyroll is translating that to life seed which is an interesting term to choose. So right now sucking out a man’s life force in my head, since I haven’t see any other episodes, could mean very different things. So I guess we will find out what that means.

Astarotte's Toy Judit from anime blog and forum the life kawaii

So in the first episode Judit is talking to Lotte about, kind of what her mom’s life was like. They refer to her mother in the past tense, but it’s not entirely clear if her mother is still alive or not. They talk about her as though she’s not still around however if Lotte is still referred to as the princess, it would make sense that there would still be a queen figure. Otherwise wouldn’t Lotte be Queen? So I’m not sure if the mom is still around yet or not, I’m going to find out.

In this episode basically Lotte says whenever they’re having their shared bath, that she would be willing to have a harem, if the harem is full of human men. And she only says this because human men are apparently the most difficult to find. The reason for that, is they have this tree that’s just a little ways away from her palace, that basically works as a transport between different realms. So they’re in the creature realm, but that realm connects to various other places human places. They already say that vampires are in their realm, so I’m not sure which other places it connects to. They haven’t really clarified more of that. What they have stated really clearly is that the human realm is not currently connected to their realm. So with all of that said, she picks human men for her harem because she thinks it will be impossible for Judit to actually find them.

So of course, she goes to bed later that night and just assumes that Judit won’t even try to find them, but of course she’s adamantly in the library studying, as any good senpai would, on how she can produce these men to make her princess happy. Also side note you meet another character named Zelda who seems to be, she’s definitely a friend of princess Lotte, but she also seems like a guard. Like maybe her number one guard, but I’m not sure yet. She wears armor and her name is Zelda, which I’m sure is a common common name to use in other things. I find it a little annoying because in my head there is only one Zelda, of course, my favorite video game. But whatever I shrugged it off and I kept watching.

So anyways Zelda takes Lotte in the morning to this tree where she will be able to, you know connect realms, and the only reason she goes there is because she leaves the palace in a panic. She finds out that Judit is there trying to open the tree so that she can go find these human men, and of course in the midst of all this Lotte is riding with Zelda on a dragon’s back, and she is terrified of heights. So as you can imagine, this this doesn’t go well, and she starts to make the dragon fly very crazily. And in the process of all of this transpiring, she falls off the dragon’s back. Zelda panics but she can’t reach her, and she starts falling inside of the tree. At the same time Judit sees this and she is running to try to save her, and what ends up happening, is Lotte is okay. A part of the ground kind of lights beneath her, and you can’t really tell if she’s the thing that opens the gate or not to the other realm, that to me that wasn’t entirely clear, but somehow in the midst of all of this happening Judit does pass through the gate. Now instead of Lotte ending up being in the human realm, Judit is actually in the human realm.

So after all this happens, Lotte of course feels very bad, and has guilt over the fact that her friend and mentor is now stuck in a different realm. She doesn’t know where she is. There are numerous realms and we know because we get to see a brief moment, we can confirm that she is in the human realm, but Lotte doesn’t know that and she’s worried that she’s in, what they refer to, as a death realm or something, something bad or someplace that’s very very morbid. She of course wants to go save her friend and she requests help from everybody in the palace to help her put together a team to go save Judit, and this is where some extra funny stuff starts to happen.

Including searching Judit’s room for some armor and weapons, and they come back with what are very clearly, hysterical sex toys, or at least some very interesting dominatrix wear. Lotte also has a very cute scene where she says go get my armor I want to be prepared. And they bring in the armor of course she’s like 10, and it’s real legitimate armor, so she puts on the armor, struggles to take three steps and then kind of decides that she’s done with the whole thing. She takes it off, and waits for them to bring something else. in come in the dominatrix toys, and then she decides that that’s not really going to work either.

So Judit has landed in the human realm, and she decides, well I’m here I’m going to make the best of it. I’m gonna go find a human male, and she sets herself up like this is going to be a super difficult task, but I’m going to find one and I’m going to get it done. Of course she walks all of maybe two or three minutes before she runs into a young male, who has a female voice for some reason, anyways that’s neither here nor there. So she finds this guy basically because a young girl named Asuha, which I am assuming is his younger sister right now, falls on top of her trying to take the short cut so she meets Asuha first and then he of course comes over to find out if she is okay or not. She doesn’t seem to like him at all. She actually kind of seems to be disgusted by him when he touches her, so I was a little surprised that she immediately thought of him as someone that she could take back. So he says oh I’m going be late for my interview, runs off for the interview and she says well you don’t need to, I have a job for you. She asks him if he wants the job, and we don’t get to see whether or not he says yes, but of course we cut back to princess Lotte.

She is at the tree with all four companions trying to figure out how to save Judit and we see this light start to come up on the screen and Lotte gets really excited because she knows that it’s Judit and that Judit is coming back through the gate. And she’s running to her and she’s so excited and she wants to catch her whenever she comes in, and of course who does she run into? Not Judit but this random no-name guy, because currently I have no idea what his name is, and whether or not his sister is coming, I would assume not? But we don’t know that either, and then the end. Episode is done, we have no idea.

So we’ll watch the second episode to find out all the answers to my questions. Now as to whether or not I like the series, I don’t know. I’m not sure, it definitely had some moments that were really funny, which is good, because it’s under the comedy section so I would of course anticipate some laughter. I am not usually fond of very young angry annoying girl characters, but every now and then there’s one that I like. So I’m getting that kind of vibe from her. We’ll find out if she continues to hate men or not. We’ll also find out whether or not Asuha came with him. Well I mean, I’m assuming that this character is male, but it is odd that the voice that they chose to play him is so female. So that kind of throws me off a little bit.

Thanks for watching my first anime recap, and I will continue to do them. I was excited that this was the first one I ever did, and I think this project is going to be fun. So thanks for watching the Life kawaii and come check in with me anytime. Let me know whether or you like this series or not, and of course, if you want to follow to find out what other good animes I like and what other kawaii things that I write about and do reviews on, check out the links below and subscribe to my YouTube channel. Thanks for watching. Bye!

Astarotte's Toy Episode 1 Recap And Review
Astarotte's Toy Episode 1 Recap And Review

Astarottes Toy episode 1 review and recap discussion at the Life kawaii. Astarottes Toy characters introduced and my thoughts on the Astarotte's Toy anime.
