On my trips to San Francisco, I always have the same checkmark list. Try new coffee, find Japanese shops, and continue my quest for the best brunch San Francisco has to offer. Every time I visit this amazing city, I stay in a different section to further explore its delicious hidden treasures. On this particular occasion, I researched the best breakfast San Francisco near me, and what did I find? A quaint but colorful little diner right around the block. I had no idea that my random quick breakfast stop would change my future travel plans from that moment on.

Best Breakfast Diner In San Francisco

Why has Mymy become one of my favorite San Francisco breakfast spots? Before I decide to write about a restaurant or dining experience, I always consider the entire experience. From entry, to wait time, seating and dining experience, I factor in every moment. With that said, one thing easily takes precedence over all other details. That will always be the food itself! For the best cheap breakfast San Francisco has to offer that still comes with a semi luxury dining experience, I highly recommend a visit to Mymy. By the way, do you like griddle breakfast dishes?

best pancakes and best brunch in san francisco

Arriving at Mymy

Arriving at Mymy you immediately get the sense of an upscale diner. Maybe it was my fabulous wide brimmed hat of the day, but I felt a bit Bohemian passing through the front door. The restaurant has a simple color blocked scheme in dark navy with a light warm red hue. A small chalk board sits outside showcasing what were my favorite dishes once inside. Sweet tooth griddle favorites, eggs, and benedict. Oh my heart…

Wait Time at Mymy

Visiting Mymy at around 11:15 on a saturday, there was virtually no wait time. I can’t say the same of peak times from one to three, since I’ve never been at those times. If waiting is not your thing, and trust me it’s not mine, then go earlier in the day. Seated immediately at a tiny but pristinely clean table, this kawaii princess was ready for her pancakes in mere minutes!

best pancakes in san francisco the life kawaii

Seating at Mymy

While Mymy restaurant doesn’t boast a huge selection of seating arrangements, I didn’t see anyone waiting in line while I was there. In my opinion their seating is efficient for the foot traffic entering their restaurant. Mymy also offers both indoor and outdoor seating, in case you really want to take in the sun, coffee in hand. Not a bad way to start the day at all in my opinion. You can see in the photo below, they offer large rectangle shaped table, cute two seaters and oversized outdoor tables for groups.

best brunch san francisco by the life kawaii

Service at Mymy

One of the reasons Mymy continues to be rated as one of my best San Francisco restaurant experiences, is their service. Their staff is always bustling around, but amidst the chaos, they still stop to ask how you’re doing. They’re also very helpful with making dining selections. Both eager to share what they like personally, and what customers frequently order, I found the entire staffs’ demeanor to be very enjoyable.

best pancakes san francisco at mymy life kawaii

Best Pancakes In San Francisco

Ladies and gentlemen, pancakes and sweet tooth breads were on the outdoor chalk board for a reason. Mymy knows what they’re good at, and they’re not shy about talking about it. From the chalkboard sign outside, to the first recommended dish from my waitress, they push the pancakes big time. There’s a good reason why too.

Souffle Pancakes San Francisco

I have an obsession with pancakes, french toast, and pretty much anything that’s a sweet bread. I mean I’m from the south, it’s to be expected right? When ordering any soufflé bread type dish, I’m already preset for disappointment. Creating the perfect soufflé pancake is not the easiest thing for most cooks. Usually I enjoy them enough, but I’m not very impressed in the end. You can imagine my surprise to actually get a bite full of legitimate soufflé pancakes at Mymy.

Perfectly light and fluffy while looking thick and dense, their banana souffle pancake is light, fluffy, and packed full of flavor. Surrounded by a light, sweet vanilla curd and decorated with candied walnuts, it’s quite literally heaven. Eggs are one of my favorite food items, no matter the time of day, and this dish is a blend of eggs and bread. Someone took my two favorite breakfast items and blended them into a delicacy. If you visit Mymy and try only one thing, order the pancakes. I had the banana soufflé, but they also have a lemon version that I bet is equally captivating. If only I had an extra stomach.  I tried my best to devour the entire dish, but it was too much for this kawaii girl. Sad. Managing to finish at least half of it, I left the rest on the plate with a heavy feeling of guilt. Food that tasty shouldn’t be left all by its lonesome.

Best brunch in san francisco city by the life kawaii

best pancakes best brunch san francisco union square

What I Missed Out On

They have a red velvet cappuccino! Argh, the regret eats me alive. What could have been? I may never know. I desperately wanted to try their delicious red velvet coffee, but I had already ordered a cappuccino and pancakes. At some point, one simply must preserve one’s figure. Hmph.

mymy brunch menu san francisco the life kawaii

Mymy Menu San Francisco

Mymy’s menu is pretty extensive. From unique coffee drinks, to griddle favorites, cooked egg dishes and tartine meals, there are many popular well-known brunch dishes.

mymy menu san francisco best brunch san francicso
