Cheap Hair Accessories Free Shipping


Currently in my little New York apartment, I have easily over 50 different kinds of hair clips. My hair is over 24 inches long. While I love my long hair length, I don’t always love having hair all over my face. Even as I sit here writing hair clip reviews, I have it all haphazardly piled on top of my head in a beautiful hair clip – that came with free shipping! I get hair clips from a vast array of places here in NYC. For the best cheap hair accessories free shipping combinations, I love online shopping. Since this is a kawaii blog that also features anime discussions, you’ll quickly see that some of my unique hair clips are unusual and fun. So which cheap hair stuff is the best? My my own shopping experiences, these cheap hair accessories online are some of my best discoveries.

Why this article is a great way to shop

If any of you have shopped on eBay, Amazon, Light in the box, or Aliexpress etc etc, you probably already know that what one seller sells you, is not what another sells you – even though their photos could be identical. I have listed below my favorite hair clips online that I have used and purchased myself, along with a link to exactly who I purchased it from. You’ll be able to see from my photos what I ordered, and what I received. Then you can decide if you want one of these discount hair clips too! I love trying new and cute cheap hair accessories, so I don’t mind taking the risk to keep ordering more of them. Bookmark my site or YouTube channel and come back to see what new kawaii hair accessories I add. Keep life kawaii ladies. 😉

Cheap Hair Clips

1. Pink Japanese Style Hair Clip

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See the seller I purchased from!

I ordered this cheap Japanese inspired hair clip on a whim, and it turned out to be one of my favorites from my whole hair accessory haul. Of the hair clips listed here, this pink one is the strongest one. With over 24 inches of long hair, I need a strong hair clip if I want to pull all of my mane up. I can wrap my hair back and forth three times and this fabric covered clip will hold all of my red locks in place. Whether I’m walking, jogging or sewing my cosplay outfits at home, it doesn’t budge.

On that note about it being fabric covered…That was something I wasn’t expecting. In the photo from the seller, it’s a little hard to tell that the pink material is actually a cut out fabric piece placed on the exterior. At first I was a bit hesitant to put a fabric hair clip in my hair. In my past experiences there’s usually glue or something similar that will pull or damage my thin and soft hair. Fortunately even though this is a hair clip with fabric cut outs, it doesn’t pull on my hair or have any weird glue smell. I’ve been using this pink hair clip for about 3 months now, and it still works really well and has never pulled on my hair. Even with using occasional hair spray and hair modeling products the pink fabric is still clean too. I like my hair accessories cheap, but they have to be cute and strong. This pink hair clip is both!

Overall Hair Clip Review

Yes I recommend this one. It works well and it’s strong. While mine didn’t exactly match the picture provided by the merchant, I think that mine is prettier in person than the photo they listed online. It’ almost looks like a brocade print and you can’t see how pretty it is in their photo. I plan on buying another discount hair clip from this seller in another color very soon.

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2. Fabric Covered Black Bow Hair Clip

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See the seller I purchased from!

If you’ve visited my kawaii blog because you want free shipping cheap hair clips, this is an excellent choice and one of my top 2 favorites. If you’re here because you love anime, cosplay, and kawaii hair clips, this is an even better choice. I love this clip so much that I’ve featured it in many of my photo shoots already. This strong black bow hair clip for long hair actually holds all of my locks in place easily. I like to wear it at my computer desk with my standard black work dresses, but it also looks great with going out clothes and pumps. I ordered some cosplay stockings in blue and pale pink stripes and plan to try a Lolita look with both the stockings and fabric bow clip together. Stay tuned for that. This is one of the better dressy hair clips I own.

I hadn’t really discovered my love for fabric covered hair clips until ordering a few online from various online malls and shops. From my personal experience the cheap ones work just as well, and sometimes better, than the really expensive ones. This style is made from a strong black hair clip that’s then decorated with gathered black chiffon type fabric. The fabric has a curly hem, and a petite black fabric bow sits right at the center to cover the opening and closing tabs.



Overall Hair Clip Review

Yes I definitely recommend the black bow hair clip made with fabric. I feel like it’s easy to see from the photos that it’s a great though cheap evening hair clip accessory that works well with work clothes to cocktail hour. In the hair clip photos above you can see me wearing it to the The Metropolitan Opera House in New York City. I loved pairing it with a vintage velvet cape and fur ball leather gloves, but it also looks great alone with a dress. It’s a super cheap hair clip online to purchase. My only regret is that I didn’t order more colors.

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3. Pink Rose Hair Clip

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See the seller I purchased from!

This plastic and fabric rose clip is one of the cheapest hair clip accessories I’ve ever purchased online. If you don’t mind waiting awhile for it to arrive by mail, you’ll enjoy having an easy to use hair accessory that’s sweet and charming. For the most part what I ordered from the website’s photo and what I received were very close and almost identical. This cheap rose clip features a smaller black half clip made in plastic with a fabric created roseate glued tot he outside. I couldn’t smell any glue and I also couldn’t see any glue, so it’s neatly done when ordering from this seller.

With this plastic rose hair clip I was a bit surprised by a few things, but I do want to say upfront that it wasn’t because the business misrepresented it. In the photos where I order the rose clip from, it was featured over ponytails, or half updos. I thought when I ordered it, that it would be strong and could also be applied to loose hair like a regular hair clip. That’s not the case with this hair accessory style. If you like the look, feel, and design of this kawaii rose clip, just order with the understanding that it is an added pop of color or decoration only. You can’t see it from the photo, but it actually features a rounded body on the inside. Sot he rose clip itself is shaped in a round circle. It has a medium strength, but with the circular design unless you have outrageously thick hair, it just won’t close enough to stay in place.

I wear this rose shaped hair clip over my pony tail as they featured it in their photos or I’ll fix my hair in a french twist, pink the left over curls on top of my head, and then clip the rose in between the curls and the french twist itself. It’s not structured to hold the hair by itself, but as a kawaii cheap accessory, it’ll still get the job done!

Overall Hair Clip Review

It depends on how you want to use it and how much hair you have. For my personal hair clip review of this petite rose style, I have mixed feelings. It does look extremely kawaii and cute over a fixed ponytail. Therefore as an additional heap hair accessory to add to an already fixed updo or look, yes I would recommend it. If you’re looking for hair clips to just hold your hair up or to create a half updo, skip this one. It won’t hold your hair up whether it’s short or long. It IS very very cute to add to a cute design you’ve already created. Take all of that information and make your own choice. For the record, it does look like it’s picture.

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4. Adorable Strawberry Hair Clip

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See the seller I purchased from!

The day I received this large plastic strawberry hair clip is a story all to itself. A confused friend looked on as I opened this package. I immediately began working like a squirrel at arranging my hair, to see how I could incorporate my strawberry into my kawaii look. She commented that it was weird and went to buy a coffee at Starbucks at the end of my block. When she returned, I greeted her at the door with a smug look of accomplishment as I turned to show off my ponytail created look, made only with a giant strawberry. She was defeated. She admitted and acknowledged it’s cuteness, and now she has two in different colors!

As far as I’m concerned you’re never to old to wear a giant strawberry hair clip! Especially if you want to create a kawaii outfit. I love this clip and I get numerous compliments on it whenever I wear it. It’s a very strong clip and it holds all of my hair. There is a trick to it because of the shape. It’s actually designed to be an added accessory to finished hair looks and ponytails, but I can get my hair pulled up with a simple trick. No ponytail required.

How to do it:

Pull your hair up to where you want the pony tail to be. Twist just the base semi-tightly and while holding it in place let your hair fall over your head towards the front. Put the strawberry in, smaller end facing towards the hair in front of your face, and grabbing some hair from the bottom and top clip the plastic strawberry in. Then just let the hair hand down on one side of the strawberry hair clip so that everyone can see it. It take me about 7 seconds to do this.

Overall Hair Clip Review

Yes, I whole heartedly recommend this kawaii strawberry hair clip. Though it takes a bit of know how to get it in at first, it’s worth learning. It’s very funny to me that 3 different people have all seen this cheap strawberry hair clip either sitting on my desk or a table and said to me, “that’s weird”. Each of those same people saw it in my hair and instantaneously loved it. Even my boyfriend commented on my kawaii extremism only to say quietly later while we were out in true tsundere style, “well I guess it is kinda cute…”. Awwww. I want all of the colors, but my apartment in NYC is so tiny! I do plan on ordering at least two more. I think two yellow strawberry clips with pigtails or braids might be amazing. So many possibilities for kawaiiness.

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5. Rhinestone Infinity Hair Clip Slide

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See the seller I purchased from!

My momma’ always told me if you don’t say somethin’ nice then don’t say anything at all. That’s why when it comes to this brown cheap cubic zirconia hair clip, I’ll just say it’s really pretty. I won’t recommend any great ways for you to master wearing it, because I haven’t figured that out for myself, even in 3 months. The good news is, if you order this style it will look exactly like the photo. I have no complaints there. What you see is what you get. The true downfall is with the strength, or rather the lack thereof.

This plastic brown cz hair clip is so pretty, I was determined to find a way to wear it with my long hair. Usually I would resort to a ponytail and use a sparkle hair clip as a glittering accessory for dressier occasions. The circle infinity design of this clip makes any pony tail you wear very visible though. It doesn’t look good with a ponytail sticking out right through the interlocking circles. The only workaround I’ve managed so far, is twisting my hair into the comb once, and then wrapping all of my left over hair around the exterior. That still won’t hold my hair so then I have to add bobby pins or very small hair claws to hold my hair in place. Even then my hair will start to fall out after about 3 hours of sitting at my desk. “Boo, hiss” as we would say in the south.

Overall Hair Clip Review

I’m really torn on recommending this cz hair clip. While it doesn’t work like I wanted or expected, it doesn’t exactly not work either? I really wish it was stronger because it’s by far the prettiest hair clip online that I ordered. However if it can’t hold your hair up without extra bells and whistles, can it even still be called a utilitarian product? Hmmm. Not sure. Discount hair clips are great, but they are called hair clips because they should clip to hold your hair. Order at your own risk.

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Best Hair Clips For Fine Hair

I have very long hair but my hair is also very fine. Sometimes it’s even harder for people with long fine hair to find hair clips that work. Especially if you’re looking for discounted cheap hair accessories. Going larger doesn’t always been it works either. With a low quality large hair clip, my fine hair will still just slip right through gradually minute by minute. While it’s true in life that you usually get what you pay for, that’s not been true for me with my online hair clips. If you have fine to very fine hair, these are a few hair clips for fine hair types that I think you’ll like.

6. Mermaid White Shell Hair Clip

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See the seller I purchased from!

This inspired mermaid hair clip for fine hair is made in plastic to look like shell from the ocean. IT features a petite fan design outlined in golden lines with a cute kawaii heart at the center on both sides. It’s a very petite clip that’s meant for half up hair looks. Part of the reason it’s so great for my fine hair is because it’s so small and slender. I pull my hair back from my ears to the top of the crown and twist it slightly before I snap in this petite heart clip. As long as I’m not doing vigorous activity or cleaning, it’s stays in place and keeps my mane tamed.

This isn’y an overly strong hair clip design, so if you plan to be running around or doing a lot of physical labor I wouldn’t recommend wearing it for those tasks. Now why you would wear a dressy shell or bone hair clip style to do arduous tasks I don’t know. Just in case though, I’m letting you know now, it’s not for that. In my opinion this is a great cheap hair accessory that would look great in Spring or Summer with white sun dresses or your Sunday best. You could also go full throttle little mermaid and pair yours with your bikini at the beach. This mermaid hair clip will look right at home on the sand with some epic black shades and a kawaii cosplay bathing suit.

Overall Hair Clip Review

I do recommend this hair clip for people who have thin or fine hair. If your hair is thick and heavy, stay away. Ladies with thicker hair will have a hard time getting this to hold any of their locks. It’s a great cheap online hair clip and I’m really enjoying mine. It not only looks like the picture that they provided at the online store, but it’s even more pretty in person.

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7. Gold Dipped Branch Hair Hair Comb

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See the seller I purchased from!

This gold hair branch comb is a great accessory for just adding to pre-existing styles that you like. Because this branch hair clip comb is light and thinly designed, only thin hair can keep it in place with a wind-swept romantic look. It’s not meant to hold your hair up completely, but I do like to make side looks with it. Meaning I’ll use it on one side of my head to just pull hair off of my face. It also works well on top of the head if you want a no bangs day or just a touch of style. I was attractively to this golden branch hair comb because of the seller’s photo. I liked the Bohemian loose swept up bun and soft feel that it added to the hair style. They show a few different ways to wear it, so I also figured I could get a lot of use out of this one design.

They say hindsight is 20/20 and with that said, I wish I had ordered two of these gold branch hair combs. I do occasionally do an elegant updo for an evening out in NY, but I’m more likely to walk around with kawaii braids or Japanese inspired hair dos. This almost always requires at least two hair combs. I will probably order a second one so stay tuned for new ways to wear these gold branches accessories for fine hair.

Overall Hair Clip Review

For women with fine hair, yes go ahead and order one of these branch style hair combs, better yet learn from my mistake and order two. These are some of the cheapest hair combs I found online with free shipping and they’re very kawaii yet also elegant. The bohemian hair comb style is very popular here in the city and it’s a great choice for fine or thin hair. It takes light wind swept hair to pull this look off, which makes it a great hair clip for fine hair.

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Hair Clips For Long Hair

I have a special place in my heart for all of my kawaii hair clips, but sometimes hair is hair, and you just need it to go away. For days when you need cheap hair clips for long hair that just tame the mane and the hair frustrated beast of your soul, these will get the job done.

8. Orange Red Hair Clip For Long Hair

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See the seller I purchased from!

Whether I’ve air dried my hair and it’s volume packed and crazy, or my hair is beautifully straightened and smooth, this hair clip is my go-to choice. Wet, dry, full of mouse, or coated in hair spray, this cheap red speckled hair clip works every time.

Surprisingly it’s not the strongest hair clip design of the ones featured here(the first two are). Even though it’s not the strongest hair accessory of somehow still not had an problems with it. With it’s paint splattered pattern and asian inspired bright orange red color, it’s a trusted piece of my accessories collection.

 Overall Hair Clip Review

If you have long hair yes buy it. Hands down, it’s a great choice. Do note that when I saw long hair, I mean legitimately long hair. If your hair isn’t about as long as mine, or even longer, this big hair clip will be too large to actually grab your hair. This is a great cheap hair clip for long hair that’s at least 24 inches long, or even better 26 or more inches long. Fro like hair is probably the only exception. Either you have very long hair or an impressively thick head of hair that will fit int this thing.

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9. Grey Black Hair Clip For Long Hair

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See the seller I purchased from!

Yep, I liked it enough that I actually ordered a second one. This is the exact same cheap long hair hair clip as above, but in the grey and black speckled color version. They both look like they’ve had paint splattered across the outside, but they both feel smooth. In other words it’s baked into the finished look for smooth exterior. The red one is great for jeans and casual looks, while the black speckled hair clip I can wear to work or the occasional evening out with the right outfit.

Overall Hair Clip Review

Please note that same thing I said above also applies here to the same style. It’s for long hair only. Don’t order one because your hair is 18 inches long or so and you think you have long hair(no offensive). I just want to make sure that anyone who orders this discount hair clip for long hair actually likes and enjoys it. Your hair needs to be very very long at 24 inches or longer. The only exception is big ladies who have very thick curly hair. My friend who is African American has a shoulder length fro and she loves these. Please consider all of these thing to decide if it’s right for you.

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My Next eBay Hair Accessory Haul is Coming!

For the latest hair accessories and kawaii hair decorations, be sure to revisit me. I just placed a huge order for more hair clips on eBay coming in 3 to 4 weeks. My next eBay hair clip haul will have more than 12 hair clips total. I placed an order for a few Japanese hair clips, more kawaii hair clips, and then some that I would just consider just basic pieces. I’ll take pictures with those and post them soon. Thanks so much for visiting my kawaii blog! I hope you enjoyed these Ebay hair accessories and try some out yourself.


Full Video Transcription:

Hello again thanks for watching theLifekawaii. So one of my friends recently commented to me that she felt like I had the most impressive hair clip collection that she had ever seen and while I do have probably over fifty in my very small studio apartment here in New York I did think that will be fun to feature a couple of my favorite ones or ones that I had interesting experiences with. So I have several several hair clips that I’ve ordered from different places.

I get them from light in a box Aliexpress eBay Amazon all kinds of different places and the ones that I’m featuring today are going to be predominantly my ebay hair clips and if you haven’t shopped on ebay before I just want to give you a quick rundown. You will find a whole bunch of sellers who all sell the same thing. In fact they’ll almost all have maybe even the same photo. I don’t know how that works but they’ll have 22 to 25 different sellers in different places selling the same thing with the same photo. I don’t even know how that’s legal but the point I want to make is, you have to find sellers who sell something that actually does look like the picture that they present. So if you haven’t shopped on eBay before it’s always a little risky if you’re trying a new seller because you don’t know if what they’re gonna send you will even look like the photo of the thing that it is that you want to purchase. So I have listed all of my hair clips from this video on my blog with the link to the exact seller that I purchased from and a couple of these I have ordered a couple of times before I actually got what was in the photo. So all of those sellers are tried and tested and true. So if you see anything that you like here, make sure that you go with that particular seller and don’t blame me if you go with somebody else and you don’t get what you wanted.

So for the first one I have, is this black one. Looks almost identical to the picture of it online, the only difference is, it does have a fabric cover. You can see that. So this is fabric, this pink part, and I didn’t know that when I first ordered it but it doesn’t bother me at all. I really liked it and I thought maybe there would be glue or something. I was worried it might damage my hair but I haven’t had any problems with it and this one is my favorite because it is the strongest one. So I will put each of these in just really quickly so that you can see what they look like. And as you can see I have a whole bunch of hair so if it will hold my hair it will hold your hair. Okay so it’s my sloppy bun there you go. Here’s the side profile and behind and it’s just really strong it’s a very strong clip. And I can move around doesn’t matter if I’m sewing or coding or running all over the place I think I’ve even worn it to the gym once or twice when I forgot my ponytail. It stays in it’s crazy. I love it. So there’s that one and this is like a casual or evening I think you could pull off both just depends on what you’re wearing.

Now this clip I also love. It’s just a little like a little black plastic clip and has a bow on the center and then the rest of this is like a gathered it looks like chiffon I’m sure it’s polyester because I barely paid anything for it. I think I might have paid two or three dollars for it at most with free shipping but it looks like chiffon. So it looks very pretty. Actually I could wear this tonight when I go out. And this particular one I have better pictures on my blog so you can see more clearly what it looks like in my hair when I’ve actually bothered to

fix it. Tada! Okay well it feels like I have a little peep toe up there. So here’s the side and I really like this one. It’s very strong too. Not going anywhere and I love this one I can wear to work. So I wear it with my like my normal black work dress or something like that and then if I’m leaving to go out at work I can put something on nice, I don’t have to change my hair it’s already semi dressy and ready to go. So I love that one.

Okay this one I do like this one but I wanted it to work differently than it did. I’m not telling you not to get it I do like this and I use it and I think this was the cheapest one. I think it was less than a dollar. Pretty sure it was like .70 or .80 cents and I think the shipping on it was free too. So no reason not to get this one but I thought that it would be able to just hold my hair and it can’t really do that. So sometimes with clips like this they’ll still hold my hair. This one it’s not strong enough so you can see it just starts to come out. Now in the sellers defense, they didn’t sell it like that online. They had it styled with a ponytail. So when I wear it, I do wear it like that now. Wear it with the ponytail and theirs was, they had a really pretty one. The girl had her ponytail down here and it was curled and it was very pretty. Obviously I’m not doing that right now but just so you can see what it looks like. Here we go. So it’s just like a little a little pop of rose that you can put on top of your ponytail. Kind of cute, kawaii. Then you go from the back. And as long as you have the ponytail in you can style it a couple different ways. Like you can braid it twisted around it’ll stay for the most part as long as you have the ponytail in. It’s just whatever you want to do so if I wrap this and then I pin it once or twice I can usually get it to stay like on the side. Yeah so like that too. If you have some time in the morning and you want to just ponytail it and then wrap it and then put it in the side you can. It’s just up to you. Like I said it was less than a dollar so I wasn’t terribly upset.

Okay so here’s one that I did have a bad experience with. So this clip is very pretty. It does look exactly like the picture but the problem is it is the weakest of everything here. So this will not hold my hair more than for a few seconds and even right now with the ponytail in it’s still tricky. So I’ll show you with this is with the ponytail. So even with the ponytail in if I start to move my hair, yeah it just comes right off. It is very flimsy. I have yet to really have success in finding a way to get this to stay in and I did try doing… I thought maybe if I did a little half updo or something it would stay and that doesn’t really work either. So you can have a better idea. Gosh that’s already falling out. This is kind of what it looks like with the half updo. But yeah it just it won’t stay. The only way that I’ve been able to get this to stay is I I wrap all of my hair and then I just put this in in the middle just slide it through and then I have to put push pins all around. Which in my opinion defeats the entire purpose of having a hair clip in the first place. It’s supposed to be a fast way to make your hair look nice and this to me is just tedious and long. If I’m gonna pin my hair like that, I’d rather do like a really nice-looking French twist and just put the pins in and just leave it alone. I don’t want to do all that.

Okay this one this is my most kawaii one. The strawberry. So I love this and funny story about this is a couple of my friends and even my boyfriend have seen this clip and their first initial reaction every time they see it is oh that’s that’s kind of weird. Like they don’t dislike it or like it, they just think it’s kind of weird and it’s a strawberry hair clip. But all three of them whenever they saw it in my hair liked it and one friend who actually kind of made fun of it the first time now has two. So she has one more than I do. There is a trick to wearing this though. So let me see if I can turn so that you can see this actually.

You have to take your hair and put it wherever it is that you would normally want your ponytail and then start to wrap it. Then I hold it with my thumb and I pull it over my head like this, and then put it in upside down. And start at the bottom and kind of slide it up to the top. You should be able to feel when it anchors. And then you just flip it over and you can play with it to get it how you want. I actually like mine like this because I like for people to see the entire strawberry and then just have my hair hanging on the side and if I’m wearing my kawaii Japanime clothing it makes perfect sense with the look so it’s not weird at all or anything for me. You can also position it so it’s just like on top of the strawberry but I don’t know why you’d want to do that when you have a totally cute strawberry that no one’s gonna get to see. So I love this one. Highly recommend it. It comes in like six different colors. They have a yellow and white one that I’ve already ordered because I want to do another video of a hair clip haul in the near future. So yellow one coming soon but yes I love this thing. And you can put it over ponytails too if you want but I I like to use it as a ponytail.

Okay so this is like. I call it my little mermaid inspired hair clip. So the only downfall of this one is that I really did think that it was going to be a little bit bigger than this and they have the measurements listed but I don’t think anyone actually looks at measurements and then pulls out their tape measure and looks to see oh yes I think this hair clip will be exactly this long. No I’m not gonna do that. So I ordered this one I thought it would be a little bit bigger but it’s still super cute and even though it’s made of plastic it looks like it’s made out of shell. So it’s really pretty. It looks kind of like a a semi luxury hair clip design and obviously that one will not hold all my hair but it will hold a half updo. So you can do a half updo and put your little clip in with that. I should say too that this clip it’s not really gonna work with thick hair at all. I think if you have fine hair like I do it will work much better for you. So if you have really thick hair or really curly hair unless you’re just gonna pull like a wisp of hair on the side I wouldn’t recommend it. It’s for people who have hair similar to mine. Okay there we go. This one is like a 1920s fan design. Very pretty pearl. So I like this one and actually this was I believe one of the more expensive ones. So I think this was the most expensive and this one was the second most expensive and that’s the only one that I didn’t like.

The ones I like the best were like the cheapest ones that I purchased. Now these last two, these are my get it done, get it off my face, get it off my back, just get it all up there and off of me hair clips. So I put these in when my hair is wet dry straight. If I let it dry and it’s curly and crazy or even if I put lots of volumizer in it and it’s just like poofed out like a cat mane these things will hold it no matter what. So these clips if you just need a good standard clip at home to just get all that stuff off of you. I love whenever I’m writing my blog pieces I will sit at the computer and almost always pull my hair up and in one of these two clips because it just holds everything. Look at that sucker. All in there. I can feel to that if my hair gets a little bit longer I can still use this clip. It’s still going to fit.

So a couple of things to note with this clip, I’ll put the other one in so you can see it real quick too. If you have, if you have long hair this will work for you. If you have medium length hair don’t get these because you really do, I I can feel when my hair is in this clip, that you really do need at least as much hair as I do to get this to stay in. So if you have fine or thin hair and your hair’s like here or a little bit longer it is not going to work for you, you really do need like 24 inch hair or longer.The other thing – or I should say the only exception is I do have a friend who can wear these and she is an African American and she has very very thick hair. She literally has a fro and her hair only goes to here but she can get her hair into these and she likes them too. So if you have that kind of hair these will work for you too. And she wears hers to work and she’s a waitress so she’s up and down like crazy. There you go.

So those are my first clips featured all from eBay. I recommend all of them except for this one. And if you want to know my two favorites for sure if you’re just going to get one or two, the pink fabric one and the black fabric one both awesome. The strawberry I know not all of you are going to want the strawberry but those of you that do this is great too and these are cheap. Go ahead and order two of them. They’re so they’re so cute I just love these. So I hope that you enjoyed this and if you get one let me know. Let me know what your hair is like if you like it if you don’t like it if you found a way to make it work. Somebody try this one and and magically figure out how to get it to stay in your hair without pins. I’m very interested to know I think because it is still pretty I’m going to mail it to my mother because she has short hair but like here so maybe she can find a way to make it work. Maybe it only works on people who have short hair I don’t know. So anyways thank you for watching theLifekawaii. Please come back if you enjoyed this video and you like shopping and anime and all kinds of Japanese things as well as shopping.

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See ya.


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