intelligentsia coffee review and intelligentsia silverlake coffee bar

On my trip to LA I was very flexible with what I wanted to see and do. There was however one thing I was determined to accomplish no matter what before departing the sunny hills of California, and that was to find the best cup of coffee that I could. I was so determined that I tried different coffee bean shop locations in Los Angeles, Hollywood, West Hollywood and even places like Glendale and Silverlake. Intelligentsia coffee was one of the local coffee shops on my list, and this is my honest review of what I experienced while I was there.

Intelligentsia Coffee Review

intelligentsia coffee review in-silverlake intelligentsia coffee shop

Intelligentsia Silverlake

The first thing you notice at Silverlake’s Intelligentsia location isn’t the smell of fresh roasted coffee or baked goods, it’s the Rococo blue tiled floor and French inspired open patio style dining; or in this case drinking. If you’re a fine coffee connoisseur, and I’m assuming that you are or you wouldn’t have ended up here, then the setting is crucial. Every time I visit Italy it will never cease to surprise me how quickly the Italians like to down their espresso at a standing table and run out the door. I guess I’m overly American when it comes to good old fashioned coffee. I’m not only looking for a great roasted coffee shop. I’m also looking for calm but energetic music, great dish wear, and you guessed it, great ambiance. I drink my coffee slowly with the newspaper (on my phone) just like grandpa taught me, but I want the Greek or Parisian setting that feels beautiful and homey. Of the many local LA coffee shops I tried, Silverlake coffee offers the best ambiance by far.

intelligentsia coffee review at the life kawaii and intelligentsia danishes for sale

Though the local coffee shop does have a few danishes and general breads great for pairing with coffee, it’s a small sample. I was surprised at first that they only kept a few snacks on hand, but I quickly understood why after watching their line over the course of 30 minutes or more. Each table indoors and outside at Intelligentsia was filled with people drinking their coffee. In addition, their line of newcomers seemed to never end. Not one of the many customers I saw over the course of 30 minutes had a single pastry. What people did order repeatedly were expresso.

I sat and watched in amazement as customer after customer lined up like little lemmings to get there caffeine fix. Like a hamster on a wheel, there was very little else to see.

Funny lemmings game image of lemmings drinking espresso intelligentsia coffee

Some sat with their espresso, some swallowed it down at the pick up station, and others smelled it before taking sips little by little in their perspective corners. We all know these coffee drinkers, we see them all the time at our favorite hangouts. The one thing all of these coffee connoisseurs have in common? They all love good coffee. Why am I explaining this to you, and what does it have to do with danish sales? Any coffee shop that sells little to no add on food items and remains profitable solely on the sale of their coffee, makes GOOD coffee. For all of these reasons, the lack of comestible goods is worth noting.

Intelligentsia coffee review at the life kawaii and silverlake coffee

So what does Intelligentsia coffee taste like?

I’ll go ahead and tell you my preference and coffee of choice is a good cappuccino, but I’m also fond of a good Turkish espresso. I also took with me for the purpose of this review two of my finest Lebanese gentlemen friends, who are obsessive compulsive about their coffee. The results from all of us may surprise you.

Intelligentsia coffee review and coffee reviews at the life kawaii
Every order of Intelligentsia espresso coffee comes with sparkling water.

Intelligentsia Espresso Review

For one of the best espresso coffees in Silverlake, or quite frankly Los Angeles and the surrounding area, you must try an Intelligentsia espresso. I am a fan of thicker Turkish style coffee, and I typically don’t like any other consistency. With that in mind the espresso looked a bit watery to me at first, but it was rich, packed with flavor, and very aromatic. Myself and both my companions had no problem drinking the espresso down to the very last drop. The bottom of the cup didn’t have any leftover bean or any of the unsavory bits that typically come at the sad end of your espresso cup. We ordered three espressi in total. None were burnt, and all had the same in consistency, taste, and aroma. If I could’ve handled a second round without having a mild stroke from caffeine – I would’ve done so.

Intelligentsia Free Shipping

Intelligentsia coffee review, whats the best coffee silverlake CA

Intelligentsia Cappuccino Review

I ordered a small cappuccino with almond milk separately so that I could try my standard favorite. My first drink request at any coffee business I visit is always a cappuccino. Due to health reasons (no I’m not lactose intolerant) I have to have soy or almond milk. I had really high hopes for the almond milk cappuccino, but unfortunately it was my least favorite of all of the coffees I tried during my entire two weeks in California. I wanted to get another opinion, so I shared my coffee with my two friends. Unfortunately they both responded with equal fervor in similar manner. I witnessed a slight grimace, furrowed brow, and watched as the coffee was gently set to the side. I love a good thick espresso, and I don’t mind seeing bits of beans at the bottom of my cup, but I never want my cappuccino to mimic that feeling. If I had to describe it, I would define it as a thicker style almond cappuccino with competing almond and coffee flavors. Like Japanese fighting fish in my mouth, it was easy to set aside.

Review Intelligentsia Coffee – To drink or not to drink?

I understand that they may be confused now. Are I recommending this coffee to you or am I warning you about it? Well, it’s a little of both. If you like traditional European coffee, particularly espresso, then you should buy Intelligentsia coffee online and change your morning routine for the better. If you’re more of a cappuccino aficionado, then this coffee brand is probably not for you.

This is the first of many future Intelligentsia coffee reviews for me, as they have many locations and different coffees to try.

Intelligentsia coffee review at the life kawaii and best LA coffee reviews

Intelligentsia coffee review and silverlake coffee shop by life kawai

Intelligentsia coffee review and silverlake coffee shop by the life kawai
Silverlake Intelligentsia coffee shop is pet friendly!
Intelligentsia coffee review at the life kawaii intelligentsia silverlake sign
Intelligentsia coffee sign and logo outside.

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Intelligentsia Coffee
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