koneko cat cafe nyc and cat sleeping in a cat bed

New York City can be overwhelming with high stress jobs, busy schedules and relationships. It should come as no surprise that sometimes a New Yorker just needs to chill out. One of the best places to destress and forget your worries for awhile, is at Koneko Cat Cafe downtown. Eat cake, drink wine and pet kitties? That’s exactly what the Koneko NYC location offers. So what’s it like inside?

Cat cafe nyc koneko cat cafe brooklyn new york review
The cat cafe NYC

Cat Cafe New York

It’s called Koneko Cat Cafe, and did you know it also functions as an animal shelter too? The means when you visit the Koneko Cat Cafe New York store, you can eat sweets, drink wines, and feel good about yourself. Your funds don’t just go towards keeping the business afloat. They also feed and house the adorable animals inside. If you’re there for the authentic cat coffee Japan experience, you’ll get something very close. Sipping a cup of joe and petting a cat is just the starting point of your journey. Let’s talk about what happens when you enter the cafe, and where you’ll go.

what does knoeko cat cafe look like koneko review
This is room 1. You have to take your shoes off and store your bags.

Cat Room

Well I say the cat room, but in actuality these kawaii cats have several rooms. Point in fact, their living space is about five times that of my own in my measly little studio. Built with a cat cafe Japan setting in mind, the design is clean, neatly structured, and features a lot of open space. This feline cafe and living abode has at least four rooms that visitors are allowed to visit. There’s also a mini escape route for the kitties if they start to feel overwhelmed.

The Cats Know What’s Theirs

For the most part, most of the cats remain where they are, but they have a constant private space if they need it. They call it the new cats cafe Brooklyn bar(it’s actually the lower east side), and it doesn’t just mean there are cats there. You really get the sense that it’s the cat’s space. You just happen to be allowed in their environment. Such proud creatures…For those of you who’ve visited the cat cafe NY business, yes I am counting that hallway as a room. Hey, I don’t have fancy hallways in my home. I found this little dude stretched out there sunbathing, and he obviously thinks it’s a room too.

woman petting a cat koneko cafe nyc review the life kawaii
Sunbathing in the hallway lion style. Such a ferocious yawn!

Each of the rooms inside the cattery are different. Before you’re allowed to enter the cat’s domain, you’ll need to remove your dirty New York shoes. The workers will also have you put your bags away. Don’t let this deter you, if anything it’s pleasant. All of the belongings are kept in a room with clear walls right next to the staff workers at the bar. Your things are safe, and they’ll even give you some house slippers. If you’re wanting the true Japanese cafe experience, this shouldn’t surprise you. Dirty shoes all over a Japanese home? I don’t think so.

cat restaurant nyc and new york cat cafe review by life kawaii
Room 4 downstairs in the basement. It has windows for sunbathing too.

As far as cat toys and actual cats, the first room is the best. The entire three hours I was there, the cats mostly stayed in the first room. That’s also where the most people were. As a cat owner myself, I found that comforting. My cat only comes into shared spaces when he’s ready to be loved on. For me that meant seeing cats in the first room meant that they knew people were there, and were actually eager for the attention. It’s nice to feel wanted right?

The sun room is interesting too. Once you enter the small hallway, you have the option of going into an outdoor enclosed space, or into the basement. There were no people hanging out in the sunny outdoor space. This was probably because there were no cats there. Or should that sentence be flipped around? I’m not sure. I only happened upon one single lone beast in the hallway before continuing my exploration to the basement.

are there cat cafes in nyc a new york cat cafe

The cats in the basement were mostly having their nap time. You can tell the room is designed with this in mind too. There are several high shelves, ceiling windowsills, and fun boxes for them to sleep on. One of the cattery rules is to observe every cats current state when encountering them. Meaning don’t be stupid or a jerk. If someone wakes you up from a nap, are you happy about it? Nope. Don’t expect the cat to be either. If they’re having a good rest, take your pictures(flash off), and just enjoy being around them. Besides, the cats that want your undying affection are all upstairs waiting for it – eagerly.

cat cafe nyc review and koneko review cat cafe nyc

Cat Restaurant NYC

If you feel like dining amongst the kitties, that’s also possible. You’ll find it referred to often as the cats restaurant in Manhattan. It’s easy to walk into the cat cafe shop and order a glass of wine, pastry, and other small plates. If you’re more interested in a meal, a bit of planning is involved. For the best Japanese cat cafe NYC experience and memory, I’d like to recommend the brunch option. You must book in advance, and there are limited spots, so schedule early. For a cafe their selection is pretty good. You can order coffees, teas, breakfast, snacks, and sweets.

cat cafe nyc and review koneko cat cafe experience
They have lots of toys and cubbies to crawl in!

What Is A Cat Cafe?

This cat cafe Manhattan business was inspired by popular Japanese cat cafes. I hate to discolor my writing with something less thanks savory, but it’s required to explain this. For those of you who may not know, the suicide rate in Japan can be a bit startling. Japanese people work really hard and very long hours. A way to counteract stress and to help improve the life of business people, cat cafes became a thing. It’s been scientifically proven that when we’re around animals, we feel calmer, happier, and generally more relaxed. In other words, getting your kitty cat fix is a healthy drug. It’s not addictive, and it does you no physical or mental harm. Although it may set you back the price of a single glass of wine. Your visit to the Japanese cat cafe is a way to get your happy fix.

Cats Affect On Me

While I can’t speak for everyone, I will say I certainly felt very happy while I was inside. Those happy feelings even continued throughout my week. It’s so much better than coffee. Well, unless you also order coffee while with the kitties. That’s heavenly. I digress…

best cat cafe nyc and cat cafe new york restaurant
There’s no shortage of toys for these guys.

Brooklyn Cat Cafe – Don’t be confused.

Though the cat cafe is located in New York, it often gets called the Brooklyn cat cafe. An actual New Yorker will be sure to tell you that it’s in the lower east side. If you’re visiting or taking a vacation, you’ll head into New York, and then to the lower east side of Manhattan. The cat and kitten cafe can be found via many different trains. Depending on where you’re coming from, you may need a different line. The F and M orange lines are probably your best bet for transportation. Forget about looking for the nearest cat cafe when you visit this busy compact city. The most important factor, is to get to the best one.

Cat Cafe Hours

Lovingly referred to as the kitty cat cafe, Koneko has great hours for what it is. As much as the cats adore your affection, no one wants to be pet all day, every day. Even these cute critters need their alone time.

Koneko Cat Cafe Hours:

  • Monday: 9AM–9PM
  • Tuesday: Closed
  • Wednesday: 9AM–9PM
  • Thursday: 9AM–9PM
  • Friday: 9AM–9PM
  • Saturday: 9AM–9PM
  • Sunday: 9AM–9PM
koneko cat cafe nyc and cat sleeping in a cat bed
Pet cafe NYC room 1. Found this sweet baby taking his midday nap

Cat Cafe Menu

Functioning as both a restaurant and cat bar, you can get food, tea, dessert and alcohol at the Koneko cafe. Sometimes locals refer to it as the cat coffee shop. It’s a great place to stop by, sit at the bar midday, and just enjoy a cappuccino or espresso. The cat cafe prices are comparable to what you’d encounter anywhere else in the city.

Is There WIFI?

Yes there’s free wifi. They actually keep it posted on the board so you don’t have to ask anyone for it. You can enjoy the cat bar NYC experience with wine in one hand and a cat in your lap. All while you shop online on your cell phone.

Cat cafe new york koneko cat cafe review at the life kawaii
Cat coffee shop NYC

Koneko Meaning

What is the koneko meaning in Japanese? Koneko means kitten. So it’s the kitten cat cafe. Slightly redundant, but who cares?! It’s adorable!

cat sleeping on windowsill koneko cat cafe review about menu
Windowsills are provided for the cat’s comfort on the lower basement floor.

Pet Adoption NYC

If you’re considering adopting a pet, specifically adopting a cat in NYC, can you think of a better way to do it? You can meet the cats in their own comfortable environment to see what they’re really like. Squishy pillows, nook and crannies, and lots of endless affection, they re indeed very comfortable. I wish all pet adoption NYC experiences were like this. This is a great chance to rescue a cat from its over indulgent life, so that it can live like the rest of us. A life of simple contentment and occasional mild disdain, cramped in a tiny apartment. With that said, cat adoption Brooklyn experiences may be better – and more spacious. I hope everyone’s living space is larger than mine. Sigh.

cat cafe nyc reviews and cat cafe new york blog
When cats feel like not being touched, they can leave the room or just move higher.

Cattery NYC

In all seriousness, these cats need good and loving homes. They always have a place at Koneko, which is wonderful, but we all enjoy having a family. You can shop the cats of New York in this wonderful setting, and maybe even find a future family member. If you’re pursuing future family additions, the cat bar New York experience would be great for you. You can grab a drink, sit with the kitties, and have an all around meet and greet. It is a cat petting cafe after all. You can pet all of them, and see if one of cats takes a particular liking to you.

cat cafe reviews nyc and best new york experience cattery

If you’re wondering where to buy a kitten in NYC, please consider visiting them. While I didn’t see any kittens specifically, they did have a few very young cats. The Koneko Cat Cafe NYC store is doing it’s best to run a business that also does something good for these animals. I would advise you, instead of looking for where to buy a cat in NYC, make a day of it. Go meet these little guys. They want to see you as much as you want to see them. The possibilities are endless. Your cat coffee NYC moment could lead to finding your soul mate! Shoulder to shoulder with other cat lovers, who knows who you’ll meet?!

best cat cafe new york and knoeko cat cafe reviews

Where Is The Cat Cafe?

For the nearest cat cafe to me, just visit the map and start your journey. If you’re here in the city, consider walking. Sometimes by the time you find the subway and make transfers, it would’ve just been easier to walk there. I live here, so take my word for it! Also I’m a big advocate of easy, cheap exercise. If you’re already in lower Manhattan, this is definitely the closest cat cafe.

Cat Cafe New York Address:

This is the cat cafe address, but if you’re walking around the city try using the map. You may be closer than you think.

26 Clinton St
New York,
United States


If you do end up having your own Japanese coffee shop NYC experience, please share it here! Tell me if you liked it. This new cats cafe NY business needs your love and support, as do the cats. If you can’t adopt a cat, there are other ways to help them out. Go in, get a drink, and shower the babies with affection. Find their cat coffee shop New York social media websites and help spread the word. Maybe you can’t take a cat home, but that doesn’t mean someone else can’t.

